Sunday, April 28, 2013

Stop White-Board Coding

It is part of my job to interview candidates for software development positions. We do this in the same way a lot of other companies do it (notably Amazon and Microsoft), using a long series of interviews where candidates answer coding questions in 45-minute slots, typically writing their answers on white-boards. This format is common enough that there are whole books devoted to passing such interviews [ref][ref].

The problem with this technique is that these interviews are a deeply artificial work environment. No one writes production code in 45-minute slots on white-boards. The time is much too short, which means the problems are much too small. Most problems would in fact fit well into second-year algorithms and data structures classes. Also, professional developers don't work on white-boards; they work with compilers and editors, or possibly IDEs.

This way of interviewing has few fans; we do it because coming up with anything better is hard. In my opinion, the actual underlying problem is that software developers don't have portfolios of work we can show. If we had actual pro-level code we could show to prospective employers, that would obviously be better than anything we could come up with on the spot. But we typically don't have it, because we typically do our work for large employers who guard their codebases closely.

So what to do? Really, the best solution depends on the level of the employee being hired.

For new grads, we should use internship programs, and hire only students who completed one and did well. What a student gets done during the three to six months of an internship is a far better signal than anything we can get out of a series of interviews. It is based on a far longer period of observation, covers a much larger body of work and (most crucially) that work was done under the company's actual working conditions.

At the other end of the scale, for rather senior developers, ten years into their careers or more, we should be hiring on the strength of the record. At this point, the issue should really not be the minutiae of coding; anyone with this much experience should be able to write sound code. The real issues are good design in the large, project management, and leadership.

Candidates this far into their careers should have strings of significant projects behind them. Interviews should consist of having them explain what problems their projects solved, how they designed solutions, and what choices they made and rejected during the design process. The goal of interviews like this is to establish that the candidates in fact did the work they claim to have done, and that they have the technical and social savvy expected of senior staff.

That leaves the hard case, candidates for fairly junior development jobs that are not entry level. Neither of the earlier solutions is really applicable; these candidates are not interested in internships, and can well have spent the early years of their careers doing really inglorious bug-fixing that doesn't showcase substantial design skills. And at this level, people really are hired to code, which some people don't do well.

This is where code review is most useful. Candidates should be expected to present code for review by several developers, and answer questions about why they wrote it the way they did.

The question is how to get access to actual code, when most of it belongs to the candidates' employers. This is a hard problem, but the burgeoning open-source movement offers a solution. Open-source developers have code they can show, because the code they work on is openly available. Accordingly, let it be known that mid-tier developers will be hired only on the basis of code that is available for review. Maintain a list of well-regarded open-source projects -- ideally ones that the company actually uses in-house -- and refer interested candidates to them. This is particularly useful since in-house developers already know their way around these projects, and can therefore judge not only the candidates' coding, but also their general behavior in the project forums.

So, to summarize:
  • Hiring software developers on the basis of code scribbled on white-boards is bad.
  • We should hire new grads based on internship performance.
  • We should hire senior developers based of their records of design, implementation, and leadership.
  • We should hire mid-tier developers based on code review, typically based on open-source code.

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