Saturday, April 6, 2013

Working for a Non-Coding Boss

The Trenches is a webcomic about a gaming QA team. The site has an interesting side-column, called Tales from the Trenches, where game devs, QA, and a few other technical folks anonymously share stories about horrible, horrible jobs.

One recent entry was from an in-house developer working for an unappreciative boss:
I am the sole developer for an in-house fully custom CRM. It was developed by an amateur and was clunking along managing a mid-sized company’s affairs. It was undocumented, messy,  and riddled with tricky bugs. I was brought in to maintain and extend it. 
My boss will not allow me the time to slow down and do a better job, and when asked if I could have a tiny percentage of someone (anyone!)‘s time in the office so that I could have SOME kind of QA I was told that my code shouldn’t have bugs in the first place. This was accompanied with some pointed words about my upcoming personnel review. 
The lesson here, fellow trenchermen, is twofold, number one, INSIST on the time and resources you need to do your best work. If you do not get what you require, communicate that you will not be responsible for problems down the line. Put it in writing. The second lesson is don’t work for a boss that can’t code. It sucks big fat hairy monkey balls.
That's a nasty position to be in, but I think the writer is drawing the wrong conclusion. If you are working for someone who can't do your job, they are in no position to argue about how long things take. If you say this new feature will take three weeks, they can be glad about it or sad about it, but they don't have the inside knowledge to contradict with anything more than bluster.

In a situation like this, the right working relationship to establish is that the boss gets to choose what features get added, their order, and their scope. He does so based on a) his analysis of business needs and b) estimates provided by the developer about how long each feature will take. But, and this is crucial, the developer is responsible for providing those estimates and they always include the time to do the job right, including the sort of refactoring that over time will pay down the accumulated technical debt in the system.

If you can establish this relationship, there is no reason working for a non-coding boss should be a chore. They don't understand what you do, true, but that lack of understanding also provides a crucial freedom to do things your way (the right way, hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Interesting real-life case - the approach that you describe is really the only effective (and sane?) way to proceed.

    This approach is even useful when the manager is technical with a developer background. After all, managers get pushed by their managers and by external customers to provide features and fixes faster. Not only that, even if they can read code and see how bad it is, they are still not interacting with the code at the same level as you. As the owner/expert on that particular code, you are the only person who can provide meaningful time estimates and it's certainly in your best interest to provide estimates that lead to better quality code.
