To begin with, there are a couple of concerns that might kill an attempt to use Haskell.
- You might not be able to get management approval. Haskell is an obscure language with a reputation for difficulty. The bosses might well say no.
- You might need to work with an existing codebase in something like Java or Python. Not possible from Haskell.
If those don't kill the project, there's the cost-benefit tradeoff. On the benefits side:
- Haskell code is very concise. (definitely) And greater concision means faster development. (possibly)
- Haskell code is less likely to contain errors, because of very strict typing. (probably)
- Haskell coders are disproportionately capable, because the language is obscure and difficult. (probably)
On the costs side:
- You have much more experience in other languages. It would take at least a year, maybe two before you'd be up to pro standards in Haskell.
- The community of Haskell programmers is small. It might be difficult to hire anyone if the project grew; you might be faced with training someone from scratch, not just in a new language, but in a new programming paradigm.
So, this isn't anything like a slam dunk. Quite the opposite, actually. There are a couple of issues that might nix the project right up front, and then a daunting cost-benefit calculation.