Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dynamic typing vs static

A programming language is statically typed if the type of every variable has to be declared when it is created. Pascal, C, and Java are all statically typed. In dynamically typed languages, on the other hand, the types of variables are not declared up front; you just assign a value (however created) to a variable. Python and Lisp are dynamically typed.

One of the perennial arguments among software developers is whether dynamic or static typing is best. Generally speaking, the proponents of static typing emphasize security: having to declare the type of every variable gives the compiler a lot of information about what can be done with it, allowing the compiler to catch a lot of errors. The fans of dynamic typing, on the other hand, emphasize flexibility and brevity; which translate to development speed. Redundancy like this, in Java, is their enemy:
Foo foo = new Foo();
My background features mostly languages with static typing (C++ and Java). It wasn't until I got to Google that I had a chance to work with a major system written in a dynamically typed language (Python). This was TNT, a system for running end-to-end tests in the ads serving pipeline.

Overall, I found dynamic typing to be more hindrance than help for the project. I kept running into typing mismatches that in statically typed languages would have been caught at compile time, but which didn't show up until run-time in TNT. And since the system takes half an hour to run, the difference between run-time and compile-time error reporting is huge.

My take-away from this experience is that dynamic typing is great for small projects that run quickly and fit between one pair of ears. In those cases, the redundancy and verbosity of declared types just gets in the way. But the larger the project, and the slower the debugging cycle, the more helpful static typing becomes.

I'm hoping Dart's system of optional type declarations catches on and makes it into Python at some point.

Canada: all about the hockey

The Wikipedia entry on Ice Hockey has some interesting stats about the popularity of hockey in various countries. (Follow the link and scroll down to "Number of Registered Players by Country.") Canada is first with 572,411, the US is second with 500,579, and then there's a whole lot of nothing until we come to the Czech Republic at 100,668. Canada is also first in the portion of the population that plays the game.

I had not realized Canada was quite so dominant. But still, it's kind of depressing that the US can almost match us in their fourth-most popular sport.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Jobs requiring functional programming

If you want a job as a software developer, how useful is it to know functional programming languages?

To answer this question, I went to four employment sites and searched for four functional languages: Scala, Erlang, Clojure, and Haskell. For calibration, I also searched for three mainstream programming languages: Java, C++, and SQL. Two of the employment sites were Canadian (Workopolis and and two were American ( and

Java     696
C++      282
SQL     1368
Scala      3
Erlang     2
Clojure    1
Haskell    1
Java     668
C++      288
SQL     1000+
Scala      2
Erlang     0
Clojure    0
Haskell    0
Java    1000+
C++     1000+
SQL     1000+
Scala     72
Erlang    36
Clojure   12
Haskell   26
Java     252
C++      140
SQL      231
Scala     24
Erlang    11
Clojure    9
Haskell    9
Based on these figures, there are some jobs out there that call for functional-programming expertise, but not many, particularly compared to the number calling for mainstream imperative languages. And virtually none of them are in Canada.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Come out, come out, wherever you are! keeps all kinds of stats about the blogs it hosts; pageviews are just the beginning. One of the stats it tracks is the type of browser the requests are coming from.

I was surprised to find that one of my readers is using NS8, i.e. Netscape, a very old browser. That's a very curious thing indeed.

If you are the mysterious Netscape user, would you step out of the shadows for a moment and tell us why you chose your browser? I've enabled anonymous commenting in case you want to remain a man of mystery.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fixing a broken codebase, part II

In part I, I described a scenario of a software engineer hired to improve a decades-old scientific codebase of 200,000 lines. I proposed seven first-aid measures that together would keep things from getting worse, and ensure all new code was of much higher quality than the old. Here in part II, I'll discuss what to do about the older legacy code.

One tempting choice is to rewrite the whole codebase. It would be enormously satisfying to start fresh and indeed it is likely that the second version would be much better, since it could be designed based on everything that has been learned from the first one. The problem with this plan is time. The basic COCOMO model estimates that writing a 200,000 line program takes 625 person-months, with a delivery time of 28 months. Merely rewriting code is easier than writing it from scratch, so this estimate is likely to be on the high side but this is definitely a project that would take person-years, rather than months. And it is unlikely the group of scientists is willing to wait that long. Accordingly, something more selective is called for.

What I have in mind are four measures that will gradually improve the codebase, without the high hurdle of a complete rewrite. These measures will accelerate the improvement that the policies from part I enabled. In particular, the team should undertake
  • dead code removal,
  • refactoring training,
  • a Better than You Found It policy, and
  • targeted rewrites.

Dead Code Removal
The codebase in this scenario is a couple of decades old. That means it contains a lot of code that isn't needed any more: old projects, failed experiments, and obsolete concerns. This old unused code is a problem because it complicates the codebase, making it more difficult to add new code for new purposes. It should therefore be removed.

Much of this dead code is likely to be hiding behind options and flags. Some of it may also be entirely commented out. The way to identify the code is to look at what configurations are actually run, and thereby determine what options are actually used. It is then possible to find all the options that aren't used, and work with the users (i.e. the scientists) to determine which ones actually have to be kept.

The policy of assigned code ownership (from part I) aids this effort, since the code owners are the people who know their portions best. They are therefore the right people to undertake the dead code removal. The source code control system is also useful, since it makes it possible to return any removed code if it turns out to be needed later. It is therefore possible to be quite aggressive in removing code that is suspected of being dead.

Once all the dead code is removed, the result will be a much smaller and much clearer codebase that is much easier to work with.

Training in Refactoring
The plan is to gradually improve the existing codebase. This will require carefully refactoring the code, restructuring it to be more comprehensible without changing the results it produces. Doing this is not obvious, particularly for people without training and experience in software engineering. A bit of targeted training would therefore be useful.

What I have in mind is a day-long course. It would start with the concept of code smells, signs that indicate trouble. Among these are very long functions, use of global variables, confusing names of functions and variables, poor encapsulation of functionality, repeated code, and an absence of test coverage. The engineer would then show an example of a refactored module, pointing out problems in the original and how they fixed them. Finally, the students would have a chance the try refactoring themselves, using actual code from the codebase.

Books such as Working Effectively with Legacy Code and Refactoring are useful resources for this training. The idea (from Working Effectively) that legacy code is code without tests and that having tests makes confident refactoring possible, is particularly useful and should be included in the course.

Better Than You Found It
The skills the staff developed in the refactoring course will be put to use by instituting a policy of Better Than You Found It. Whenever a developer makes a change to existing code, they should not only write the new code correctly, but also take the time to improve the nearby code. For example, if they are adding code to a function that is already oversized, they should break it up. Or if they are calling a function with a wildly complicated parameter list, they should redesign the function to be more selective in its inputs. It isn't necessary to fix the whole module, or even the whole file, just a portion of it, leaving things a little better than it was before.

Recall that a complete rewrite is not the plan. Instead, by following the policy of Better Than You Found It, the most commonly used parts of the codebase will steadily improve. And the improvement will come organically, implemented by staff that ran into problems and had to understand the old code anyway. The danger in undertaking this policy is staff resistance, since it is requiring them to do work that is not obviously part of whatever they were trying to accomplish. It is therefore important to make the policy both universal and fairly lightweight. Burdens shared equally are easier to bear, and the task of improving the codebase is less onerous if it is done a little at a time. Ideally, with training and experience, the staff will come to see the ugly old code as distasteful, and will want to fix what is obviously broken, the legacy of the bad old days.

The policies of code ownership and mandatory code review, introduced in part I, support this effort by making sure people don't shirk their refactoring responsibilities.

Targeted Rewrites
Diet and exercise will not cure cancer; that takes surgery and chemotherapy. Similarly, gradual refactoring will not fix the most dramatically broken modules in the codebase; they should be completely rewritten. Typically what happens in an evolving codebase is that some modules, though initially sound, are called upon to do ever more and assume responsibilities far beyond what was originally imagined. This tends to be a problem because their underlying architectures were designed for the original purpose, and often aren't changed as their uses evolve. Over time, this requires increasingly convoluted code to implement new features. These are the modules that should be rewritten from scratch with completely new architectures suitable for their new requirements.

The best source of information for identifying the really bad parts of the code is the development staff itself. They will have many stories about scary modules they are reluctant to modify, but sometimes must. And they will not be reluctant to share this information. The bug database from part I will also be useful, since bad modules tend to be continual sources of bugs.

To Summarize
In part I, I described how to keep the team's codebase from getting worse, by making it possible to write new code cleanly. In this article, part II, I proposed four measures for improving the older code. Dead code removal simplified the codebase by removing unnecessary old code entirely. Training in refactoring built the staff's skills in upgrading the older code, and the policy of Better Than You Found It put those skills to work improving the code, gradually. Finally, where gradual improvement wasn't sufficient, I called for targeted rewrites of the most troubled modules. Doing all of this will take time and effort, but the team will have a dramatically improved codebase in a year or so.

Valve's corporate culture

So I've checked out the Valve employee handbook that made the rounds of the internet a few months back. The corporate culture it depicts is very open and very egalitarian. 

Picking a project:
We’ve heard that other companies have people allocate a percentage of their time to self-directed projects. At Valve, that percentage is 100. Since Valve is flat, people don’t join projects because they’re told to. Instead, you’ll decide what to work on after asking yourself the right questions (more on that later). Employees vote on projects with their feet (or desk wheels). Strong projects are ones in which people can see demonstrated value; they staff up easily.
Valve is not averse to all organizational structure—it crops up in many forms all the time, temporarily. But problems show up when hierarchy or codified divisions of labor either haven’t been created by the group’s members or when those structures persist for long periods of time. We believe those structures inevitably begin to serve their own needs rather than those of Valve’s customers.
Working hours:
While people occasionally choose to push themselves to work some extra hours at times when something big is going out the door, for the most part working overtime for extended periods indicates a fundamental failure in planning or communication. If this happens at Valve, it’s a sign that something needs to be reevaluated and corrected. If you’re looking around wondering why people aren't in “crunch mode,” the answer’s pretty simple. The thing we work hardest at is hiring good people, so we want them to stick around and have a good balance between work and family and the rest of the important stuff in life.
These are admirable principles. I would love to work Valve's way.

But I have to wonder whether the handbook depicts how things are actually done at Valve. I suspect it describes an idealized version of Valve, Valve as it ought to be. And perhaps the company sometimes achieves that ideal. Also, Valve is small; right now they have only 293 employees. I suspect things would change considerably if they were to grow by an order of magnitude. Companies have a way of growing more formal and rigid as they grow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fixing a broken codebase, part I

There's an interesting post in Ars Technica by a software engineer who has been hired by a group of scientists to modernize their development practices and fix a big mess of spaghetti-code that has accumulated over 10-20 years. He wants a few fairly simple techniques that will make a big difference.

In my opinion, the engineer should start by instituting some basic modern development practices. They won't fix the broken codebase, but they will keep things from getting worse. They'll also lay a foundation of good practice that will make later improvements possible.

The first phase should institute:
  1. Source control. The scientists need to be able to control who does what to the codebase, and keep a history of changes. A modern source code control system like Perforce or Mercurial does exactly that.
  2. Code review. Every change to the code should be examined by someone other than the original author, and that examiner should be empowered to demand changes until he is satisfied the new code is sound. Many eyes make all bugs shallow, and it starts with code review.
  3. Code ownership. The system is too large for anyone to understand well. It should be divided into portions, based on who understands what best about the system as it is now. Once that's done, the code review policy should mandate that all reviews include the owner of the code being changed.
  4. Daily builds. It should be possible to check out the complete codebase from the source code control system and build (compile and test) it from scratch. This should be done at least daily. It may be best to assign staff to a rotation, with each person being build engineer for a day. In addition to building the current codebase, the build engineer is also responsible for fixing the build if it is broken by identifying the offending code and rolling it back. The build engineer is done when the codebase builds cleanly again.
  5. Bug database. All error reports and feature requests should be stored in a central searchable repository, so the code owners know what is broken and what has been fixed.
  6. Design documents. All new functionality should be documented up front, presented for peer review, and revised until approved. The documents don't need to be very detailed, but they should describe the essential elements of the proposed functionality and why it is being introduced. Also, if the designs change during development, the documents should be updated to reflect what was actually built. And the design documents should be kept in some readily accessible place.
  7. Unit tests. All new functionality should include tests that verify that the code performs as expected. Going forward, these tests will make sure that any additional changes do not break existing functionality. These tests should be run as part of every daily build. Also, all fixed bugs should have unit tests that reproduce the failure, but which run correctly with the fix in place.
These seven policies will keep things from getting worse. If the team did nothing else, they would have their old mess of a codebase, plus a slowly growing layer of superior new code that accesses it. Over time, the average quality of the codebase would slowly rise, as more and more code would be of the new type.

In part II, I'll describe what can be done to improve the older code.